Dr Howard Marans

Dr. Howard Marans: Facts you need to know about orthopedics

Are you familiar with Nicolas Andry? Arthroscopy? Or Prosthesis? Perhaps most of you aren’t. Those are some of the basic terms in orthopedics, and if you’re going to finish this article, you’ll be able to obtain a bountiful of knowledge about this particular field of medicine.
Let’s begin with Nicolas Andry. He played a major role in the early history of orthopedics. He was the first one to introduce the word ‘orthopedia’ in 1741, in his book Orthopaedia, or the art of preventing and correcting deformities in children. The terminology Nicolas used were derived from two Greek words; orthos, meaning straight and pais, meaning child.

Great developments were seen in this specific branch of medicine and after a long period of time, orthopedics is not only about children.
Orthopedics focuses on the diseases and injuries of the bones or muscles. If a bone is broken, it would develop new growth in order to correct the fracture and fill in any areas from which bone is removed, since bone is a living and functioning part of the body.
For that reason, a bone that’s deformed from birth can be operated, cut, braced, or treated to generate a normal form. If a broken bone is held in alignment, it will heal without any physical deformity.

Even in the prehistoric ages, humans have had to deal with broken or deformed bones. It’s evident in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics that people wrapped and braced a limb in order to heal normally.
Wars are common during those times and it happened on a much larger scale. The soldiers also used more competent weapons. This result in fractures and other bone injuries to become more prevalent.
Interestingly, advances in orthopedics made a great uproar in the field of medicine as surgeons shortly invented simple prosthesis to replace limbs that were amputated because of a grave wound.
Orthopedists in the earlier times were very committed in their field. It’s no doubt that their legacy remained into our modern orthopedists. Birth defects such as scoliosis and clubfoot have also been the main concern of the former orthopedists. But it doesn’t stop there, those physicians also included within their specialty the dislocations, fractures, and trauma to the spine and skeleton. Orthopedics had been a physical specialty for several years.

After manipulating bones and joints to restore alignment, orthopedists including Dr. Howard Marans will apply casts or braces to maintain its structure while waiting for it to heal. While the fracture heals on its own, the patient is advised to be more comfortable as possible to avoid further injuries. However, in some cases, the healing process was incomplete and affect the patient with a lifetime handicap that can make walking or bending difficult.

Modern developments
In order for the bone fragments to heal better, a special nail was invented in the 1930s to hold them. On the other hand, the head of a femur that is a part of the hip joint and that wouldn’t often heal after being fractured can be replaced with a metal device that was developed a couple of years after the nail, then a total artificial hip joint was invented after that. Revisions and improvements are still being made by the orthopedists to allow an individual to maximize the use and flexibility of the leg.
Orthopedists utilize physical methods to align fractures and repair damaged joint. Braces and casts are still being used to hold injured bones in place while they heal. To ensure that the bones are aligned properly and that there’ll be a better healing process, orthopedic specialists now use x-rays.

Crushed bones that have a little chance of healing on their own could be treated by Dr. Howard Marans through transplanting bits of bone from other locations in the body to fill fractured areas. He and other orthopedists use drills, screwdrivers, screws, staples, nails, chisels, and other tools to operate the bone and connect pieces with one another.
Most of the bone deformities these days could be corrected. Deformed facial bones can be replaced or reshaped. Bone transplants from one person to another is a usual thing. Grave diseases like cancer may bring terrible results to patients, such as losing a limb, but Howard Marans MD can provide a normal-appearing prosthesis for them to have a near-normal life. He can teach them on how to use it, and it’s also fitted so it’s convenient to use.
The patients that have lost limbs due to traumatic injuries, vascular diseases, diabetes, cancer or congenital disorders could get prosthetics through orthopedic surgeons. Prosthetics refers to the design, fabrication, and fitting of custom-built artificial limbs or other assistive devices.
These devices could restore the function and appearance of a full or partial missing limb as completely as possible. He also added that the creation of prosthesis is a very complicated and custom procedure that requires a high degree of skill coupled with advanced technology due to the huge differences in human anatomy.

Arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, epicondylitis, and osteoporosis are among the list of degenerative diseases that orthopedists were trained to treat. Treatment options include diet changes, exercise, steroid injections, as well as surgical procedures and hormone replacement therapy.
Arthroscopy and joint replacement are some of the recent technological advances that helped a lot of orthopedic patients around the globe. Several orthopedic surgical procedures don’t need an open incision to completely expose the joint. Flexible arthroscopes can now be inserted through a small incision in the skin and then into a joint, and after that, it can be manipulated through the joint to locate and determine the nature of the injury. Arthroscopy can be used to look into many joints of the body, such as knees, ankles, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
Dr. Howard Marans and his affiliates are committed to treating all patients in a professional and timely manner. They surely are a promising team because they can provide prompt care utilizing established orthopedic treatments and innovative surgical and arthroscopic procedures.
That’s it! This sum up most of the facts about orthopedics. Hoped this article helped you in understanding this particular field of medicine.

Howard Marans MD: Who is the Best Surgeon For Athletes Near Malibu, CA

If you have sustained a sports injury, visiting a skilled surgeon who specializes in treating athletes is the first step to regaining full health. Below, we will take a look at the basics of sports medicine, as well as how and where you can find the best surgeon for athletes.

The Unique Needs of Athletes

Athletes are prone to certain injuries as a result of their training. Training is typically rigorous and extensive, which places athletes at risk for overuse injuries. Traumatic injuries are also common, especially among athletes in high-impact or contact sports.

Although athletes can sustain many of the same orthopedic injuries as the general population, their treatment needs are distinct. Because athletes are in peak physical condition and must remain so in order to continue to compete, it is a priority to help the athlete make as complete a recovery as possible. Treatment is often more aggressive as a result. In contrast, in older and more sedentary individuals, the goal is to control symptoms and prevent further injury.

In addition to treating the presenting injury, the doctor will work with the patient to prevent the development of further problems in the future. Preventing over-training and recognizing early signs of a problem are two key features. The best method is to collaborate with one’s doctor and coach to create a plan that will minimize the risk of injury as much as possible.

Finding a Surgeon

There are many tools for finding a surgeon for athletes in your area. Your primary physician will be familiar with other doctors in the area, and may recommend a surgeon whose patients usually have good outcomes. Your friends and family may also be able to recommend a doctor.

As you research physicians, keep an eye out for features that are associated with a positive experience. Some key features include:

- How long the doctor has worked in the field
- Whether or not the doctor is an expert in sports medicine
- Whether or not the physician is dedicated to using minimally invasive procedures when possible
- The doctor’s bedside manner and ability to maintain open lines of communication
- Whether or not the physician accepts your insurance

Top Malibu Surgeon for Athletes

Dr. Howard Marans is the top surgeon for athletes near Malibu, CA. Throughout his two decades in the field, Dr. Marans has treated athletes from a wide range of backgrounds. Dr. Marans understands the unique needs of athletes, and he has the skills and experience to provide high-quality, effective treatment that is individualized to each patient’s unique clinical situation.

Dr. Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Carpal Tunnel: Wouldn’t You Like To Know How To Treat It? – City Of Orange Orthopedic Surgeon

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when there is too much pressure on the median nerve, which runs from the wrist to parts of the hand. The symptoms of carpal tunnel can be severe, so it is important to seek treatment from a skilled orthopedist if you have this condition. Below, we will take a look at how carpal tunnel is treated.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms

Carpal tunnel causes symptoms in the hands and fingers. Some of the most common symptoms include:

- Muscle weakness
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Pain

Symptoms may get worse at night or when you are performing activities that use the hand, like playing the piano, typing, or sewing.

Risk Factors

A number of factors can increase your risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Although people can develop the condition without risk factors, and may not have problems even if they have many risk factors, your chances of having carpal tunnel increase if you:

- Are female
- Have fractured or dislocated your wrist in the past
- Have diabetes or another condition that causes nerve damage
- Have an inflammatory condition like rheumatoid arthritis

Some people believe there is a correlation between carpal tunnel and factors like typing a lot or working in an assembly line, but studies have not found a strong connection.

Non-Surgical Treatment

Most cases of carpal tunnel can be treated without surgery. Some of the most effective non-surgical treatments include:

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – Drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen do not treat the underlying condition, but they can provide relief from symptoms.
- Splinting – Splinting the wrist holds it still so that the nerve does not experience further irritation. Splinting is often performed at night, to prevent noctural symptoms.
- Corticosteroid injections – Injecting the carpal tunnel with a drug such as cortisone can reduce inflammation and swelling, thus relieving pressure on the median nerve and alleviating symptoms.

Surgical Treatment

Surgery may be necessary when symptoms persist even after non-surgical methods have been attempted. During surgery, the doctor relieves pressure on the median nerve by cutting the ligament that is pressing against it.

Endoscopic surgery is often appropriate for carpal tunnel syndrome. During this procedure, the doctor uses a camera and tiny incisions to view and operate on the joint. In some cases, the doctor may perform open surgery, which uses a larger incision.

Endoscopic surgery has a shorter recovery time, and a lower risk of certain complications, such as infection and bleeding. Your doctor will discuss which treatment is best for you based on your unique clinical situation.

If you have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Dr Howard Marans: What Will a Visit To an Orthopedic Specialist Cost?

Many people develop problems affecting their joints, muscles, bones, or tendons at some point, particularly athletes or older people. If you are experiencing an orthopedic issue, scheduling an appointment with orthopedic specialists as soon as possible is the best thing you can do for your health. Below, we will take a look at when you should consider seeing an orthopedist, as well as what you can expect in terms of costs.

When to Visit an Orthopedic Specialist

Orthopedic specialists should be consulted when there are signs of an orthopedic problem. When a traumatic injury occurs, it is sometimes immediately clear that the assistance of a specialist will be needed. Sometimes, you may know that there is an injury but want to give it a few days before seeing a doctor. Unless symptoms are severe or getting progressively worse, waiting for a few days is typically fine.

Chronic conditions usually develop slowly over time, and may become a new normal, to the point where patients may dismiss symptoms as part of the process of aging. It is important to realize that experiencing chronic pain is never a normal experience.

Visiting an orthopedic specialist early on after symptoms develop is a good choice for many reasons. It ensures that you do not live with uncomfortable symptoms for longer than necessary, and prevents you from developing a worse condition or complications that could cost more to treat later on.

Insurance Coverage

Insurance covers the cost of visiting orthopedic specialists, so your insurance coverage is the primary factor that determines what you will pay out of pocket. In some cases, you may need to be referred to an orthopedist by your primary care doctor before you insurance will pay; this depends on your insurance plan.

Some patients have a low deductible, so that even invasive surgery is very affordable. Other patients have a higher deductible. While these patients may not experience high costs for appointments and non-surgical procedures, the cost of surgery can be high for patients with a higher deductible.

Managing the Cost of Treatment

In cases where a patient needs surgery but cannot pay their out-of-pocket costs all at once, financing may be used to manage the cost of treatment. Patient financing companies allow patients to spread the cost of treatment out over the course of several months. Other financing options include loans, lines of credit, credit cards, and health care credit cards. The right choice for you depends on your unique financial situation.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Common Orthopedic Knee Surgery Costs in California by Howard Marans MD

Orthopedic Knee Surgery
Orthopedic knee surgery may be used to treat knee problems that do not respond to other treatments. If you have a condition that may require surgery, you may want to understand the potential costs so that you can plan for them. Below, we will take a look at what influences orthopedic knee surgery costs, as well as how insurance covers knee surgery.

Types of Orthopedic Knee Surgery
There are two main types of knee surgery: open knee surgery and arthroscopic knee surgery. Open knee surgery is most commonly used to treat more extensive knee problems, such as total knee replacement for arthritis. Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive form of surgery that can be used to treat less extensive knee problems, like meniscus or ligament tears.

It is preferable to use arthroscopic knee surgery whenever possible. Arthroscopic surgery has lower risks and a shorter downtime, making it preferable from the patient's perspective. In addition, arthroscopic surgery usually costs less to perform than open knee surgery.

What Influences Cost Each case is unique, and knee surgery can cost different amounts depending on the specifics surrounding an individual case. Some of the factors that influence orthopedic knee surgery costs include:

- How high the local cost of living is
- Whether or not open knee surgery is used
- Whether or not a hospital stay is required
- How long is takes to perform the surgery
- How many resources the surgery takes to perform
- What the individual surgeon's rates are

Insurance Coverage
Insurance covers orthopedic knee surgery costs, because knee surgery is only used in cases where it is medically necessary. Insurance policies vary widely in the terms of their coverage, so that patients may have very different out-of-pocket costs depending on their coverage. If you have a high deductible that you have not yet met, you may pay for a large portion of the surgery on your own. If you have a low deductible or no deductible, you may pay very little out-of-pocket.

Thanks to insurance coverage and the widespread availability of patient financing, the majority of patient are able to afford their orthopedic knee surgery costs without issue. If you're out-of-pocket costs are too high for you to handle all at once, you can use financing to spread out the cost of treatment over a longer period of time. Some financing options include credit cards and third-party health care financing companies.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your knee health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call (714) 979-8981.

Dr. Howard Marans: Expert in Internal Fixation Procedures

Fractured bones or dislocated joints arising from injuries may require surgery that involves internal fixation. Internal fixation is a surgical procedure which involves attaching a device to a bone in order to stabilize it and help it heal or regain functionality of joints. Dr. Howard Marans has performed many of these operations and has the capability of performing them to restore the patient’s normal functions.

Internal fixation specifically involves attaching implants, such as plates, rods or pins, to fractured or separated bone parts through open-reduction surgery, allowing the surgeon to reach the injured bone parts and realigning or restoring their normal position and fixing them in place using the implants. At most one week in the hospital is required for patients before they are discharged. Normally, physical therapy is required in order to attain fast recovery and allow patients to go back to their normal activities.

Most simple fractures, however, do not require open reduction and internal fixation. Dr. Marans recommends casting the injured part and keeping it immobile so that the bone can repair itself. In more serious fractures, immediate medical care and surgery must be undertaken in order to facilitate the healing and restore the motor ability of the patient as well as the strength of the muscles of the injured parts.

Immediate medical attention should be given to severe orthopedic cases in order to prevent aggravation, such as, compartment syndrome, a “life-threatening and limb-threatening condition in which pressure in a muscle compartment builds up to dangerous levels”. Also, there are cases when bones fail to heal and rejoin, thus, requiring further medical attention. In other cases, bones heal but in a misaligned fashion. Proper medical care, such as what Dr. Marans provides, will help prevent the occurrence of these conditions.

Some patients also encounter nerve damage due to bone injuries. Immediate attention is needed in order to repair the damaged nerves. Finally, infection may result when fractured bones penetrate the skin and left exposed for some time. Again, prompt medical procedure is needed to arrest the onset of greater infection to the wound and repair the injury.

Thanks to Dr. Howard Marans and his staff, patients who require their specialized medical care have someone to turn to for proper treatment and full recovery.

Howard Marans MD: What Does an Orthopedic Surgeon in City of Orange Cost?

If you have an orthopedic problem, visiting an orthopedist as soon as possible can help you get relief from your symptoms and return to your previous level of health. Many people put off making an appointment because they worry that the cost of visiting an orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange will be too high. Below, we will take a look at what influences the cost of treatment.

When to Visit an Orthopedic Surgeon in the City of Orange

Visiting an orthopedist is your first step to getting treatment for your condition. It is not normal to experience pain on a regular basis, even if you are getting older or train athletically. Orthopedic problems can have consequences that affect many aspects of your overall health and quality of life, so it is best to visit a doctor as soon as you believe there is a problem.

Factors Influencing Cost

Many factors influence how expensive treatment by an orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange is. Some of the most influential factors include:

- Whether surgery is necessary
- Type of surgery used
- Local cost of living
- Fluctuations in the cost of medication and materials
- The physician’s dedication to keeping costs low

Managing the Cost of Treatment

The cost of being treated by an orthopedic surgeon in the City of Orange should be covered by your insurance plan, since your orthopedist will be treating a medical condition. Therefore, the biggest factor that determines the cost of your treatment is the terms of your insurance coverage. If you have a higher deductible and copay, you may pay a large portion of the cost out-of-pocket. Those with a lower deductible may find the cost more manageable.

In most cases, patients are able to manage the cost of treatment without issues. If you have a high deductible and are getting surgery, the cost of treatment may be higher than you can handle in one payment. You can spread the cost over a longer period of time by applying for financing. Financing options include patient financing companies, health care credit cards, and traditional loans.

Dr. Howard Marans would be happy to meet with you about your orthopedic health. To schedule your consultation today, please click below and enter your information or call OC Orthopedic at (714) 979-8981.

Howard Marans MD: Where is the Best Orthopedic Surgery Center in Tustin, CA?

When facing the potential need for orthopedic surgery, every patient deserves the best quality of care. OC Orthopedic, run by Dr. Howard Marans, is the top orthopedic surgery center in Tustin.

OC Orthopedic will use the latest and most thorough diagnostic exams available to determine if surgery is the best answer for each patient, or if an issue or injury should be treated with more conservative non-surgical treatments. If it is determined that a patient needs surgical intervention in order to improve function, quality of life, or return to sports following an injury, OC Orthopedic specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques that return the patient to activity quickly and without breaking their bank.

OC Orthopedic Surgical Specialties

Arthroscopic Surgery –This is a minimally invasive surgery where small incisions are made near a joint for the purpose of a surgeon to insert a camera and instruments into the area for diagnosis and repair. When knee pain, for example, is due to an injury to the meniscus, ligaments, or other soft tissues, the tissues can be repaired or removed with arthroscopy. Other joints with complex soft tissue problems that respond well to arthroscopic surgery in addition to the knee include the hip, shoulder, spine, or wrist. Recovery happens more quickly than with major invasive surgeries, due to the smaller incisions and fewer side effects. It does not even require a hospital stay. In most cases, arthroscopic surgery is used when conservative treatment options such as physical therapy, lifestyle changes, or medications to decrease inflammation have failed to improve measureable pain or quality of life.

Open Reduction/Internal Fixation – When a bone is fractured, many times surgical intervention isn’t necessary. A simple fracture, where a bone is cracked but remains in place, will usually heal on its own with casting or bracing. When a bone is broken into several pieces or moves out of place upon breaking, internal fixation surgery is necessary in order to prevent future complications. During surgery, a device such as a rod, pin, screw, or plate will be fixated to the bone in order to hold the bone in place to promote healthy healing. All fractures, regardless of whether they need surgical intervention or not, are a medical emergency and need to be addressed immediately. X-rays and other imaging tests will be done to help a surgeon know how to best treat the injury.

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Sometimes, after an initial examination, it will be determined by the doctor that surgery isn’t the first, best, or only option for a patient. At OC Orthopedic, non-surgical treatments are available for conditions including arthritis, injuries, and pain. Non-surgical treatments may include physical therapy, lifestyle changes, medication, steroid injections, and more.

OC Orthopedic is also the best orthopedic surgery center in Tustin for Sports Medicine. Understanding that athletes have the need to return to full function as soon as possible after an injury, surgical and non-surgical options are used to treat injuries quickly and effectively.

All patients receive comprehensive patient education as part of their treatment. Empowering patients with knowledge that they need to understand their injury or condition and how to avoid and prevent future injury is always an important part of the goals and philosophy of patient care at OC Orthopedic.

Best Orthopedic Surgery Center in Tustin

When searching for the best orthopedic surgery center in Tustin, you do not have to look further than Dr. Howard Marans’ OC Orthopedic. Dr. Marans’ expertise, extensive diagnostic exams, and use of minimally invasive surgical techniques are the winning ingredients that provide every patient with the highest quality care. The office is always happy to take your calls or answer your questions, so please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981

Dr Howard Marans: ACL Reconstructive Knee Surgery Costs

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery generally involves replacing or repairing the damaged ligament to restore function to the knee. In most cases, the replacement or reconstruction occurs from a graft within the patient’s body. A piece of tendon from the knee cap area or a piece of the hamstring is usually utilized to fix the ACL. The ACL reconstructive knee surgery cost will be dependent on a variety of factors. The main aspect in ACL surgery cost is medical insurance coverage.

ACL Reconstructive Knee Surgery Costs

If you have insurance, ACL reconstructive knee surgery cost is usually covered. In order for insurance companies to cover a majority of the surgery, the doctor will have to prove the procedure is absolutely necessary. The surgery coverage usually starts from the beginning with the initial diagnosis.
- An orthopedic surgeon will conduct an evaluation of the knee prior to recommending an ACL reconstruction procedure. The evaluation is critical for the insurance to cover the surgery.
- The patient will have to attend all preliminary appointments prior to surgery. Each step is vital for the insurance to cover the procedure. In some cases the insurance company may require physical therapy prior to the surgery. The sessions will be used as proof of the deterioration of the knee.
- A diagnostic study of the knee and various lab tests will be required.
- The surgery will be the next step in the ACL reconstructive knee surgery cost to be covered by insurance. The surgery coverage usually consists of the anesthesia, the reconstructive process, and the hospital stay.

With insurance, a patient may be required to pay out-of-pocket costs for a certain percentage. Speaking to the insurance provider prior to surgery will give the patient an idea about copays and deductibles that may be applied to the final cost. If a patient does not have any health insurance or limited insurance coverage, the out-of-pocket cost for the surgery may exceed $50,000.

After Surgery Care

The ACL reconstructive knee surgery cost will include after surgery care which is vital for the knee to heal properly. Failure to follow all the aftercare instructions could lead the patient right back into to the beginning of the process.

- The additional costs may include medical equipment to aid in the patient’s recovery. The patient is normally required to use crutches and to wear a knee brace in order to keep the leg straight during the healing process. Without insurance, the costs could be over $500.
- The costs of pain medication, either over the counter or prescribed.
- Physical therapy sessions are needed for the knee to regain full range of motion and usage. Physical therapy sessions can last for weeks after the surgery. A patient could be attending 2-3 sessions a week depending on the doctor’s orders. Each session can cost over $100 if not covered by insurance.

With or without insurance, ACL knee reconstructive surgery is essential for the patient to return to an active lifestyle. After an evaluation of the patient’s knee, Dr. Howard Marans can explain all the necessary steps for ACL reconstructive surgery including all the aftercare procedures. Dr. Marans welcomes PPO and will work with other insurance companies to give the best treatment available. Please click below to schedule your consultation or call us at 714.979.8981.

Dr Howard Marans: Breaking Down ACL Surgery Options and Costs – CA’s Top Knee Specialist

The debilitating effects of a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) can be overwhelming. But understanding ACL surgery options and costs doesn’t have to be. Below is a simple breakdown.

Candidates for Non-Surgical Options:

If the ACL is truly torn, it will not heal itself without surgery. However, if the overall stability of the knee is intact, or if the ACL is only partially torn, Dr. Marans may recommend a much simpler non-surgical approach. This may be preferable for less active, elderly patients. Options for this may be as simple as knee braces, crutches, and/or physical therapy.

Candidates for Surgery:

For athletes, however, a torn ACL can literally be a game-changer. The same can be said for just about anyone leading a healthy, active lifestyle. In these cases, surgery is a necessity to provide the patient with a full range of motion and to avoid long term damage to other parts of the knee.

Understanding Costs:

Before proceeding with surgery, it is vital that patients understand how their insurance coverage works. Most insurance plans cover ACL surgery, but it is important that it is established that the surgery is medically necessary beforehand.

Dr. Marans will accept PPO and most other insurance providers. Patients should contact their insurance providers, however, to determine:

- What exactly needs to be documented
- Whether or not only certain types of ACL repairs are covered
- Whether or not a pre-authorization (or other paperwork) is needed before starting treatment

Once insurance is established, coverage can be fairly extensive. But it usually can’t cover all ACL surgery options and costs (patients generally have to pay a percentage, and coverage for post-surgery pain medication might not be included, for instance) so it is recommended that patients determine ahead of time what their out of pocket costs will be.

Coverage typically includes:

- The orthopedic surgeon’s evaluation appointment
- Other pre-surgery appointments (lab tests, diagnostic studies)
- The surgery itself (fees for the doctor, operating room, anesthesia, and graft)
- Rehabilitation appointments

Surgical Procedure:

The purpose of surgery is to help the body to build a new ligament in place of the torn ACL. The torn ligament is replaced with a tissue graft, which basically acts as a kind of scaffolding to guide a new ligament to grow on and rebuild itself.

Sources of this graft can include the patellar, hamstring, or quadriceps tendon, or even a cadaver graft (or allograft). There are pros and cons to each of these options. Patients should discuss which option might be the best fit for them with Dr. Marans.

The surgery itself is performed with an arthroscope, which uses a set of small incisions as opposed to a larger incision. Thus, arthroscopic surgery is a less invasive technique than traditional surgery, which means that recovery time is quicker and pain is less pronounced.

Top ACL Srugery Options and Costs – Dr. Howard Marans

Ultimately, the best way to understand ACL surgery options and costs is to contact Dr. Howard Marans. Patients can trust in his 20+ years of experience in providing expert diagnoses, thorough explanations of treatment options, and the fastest results possible.

Please click below to schedule your consultation, or call us at 714.979.8981